06 May Familiar Patterns
“I’ve learned if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always gotten…because it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been here if you don’t do anything differently you could be no different at 50 than you were at 15!”~51 year old woman
Do you ever feel like you’re working so hard, putting in so much effort, but you’re not getting anywhere? Well, congratulations~ you’re right…on all three counts! You are working hard, and you are putting in the effort, and you’re not getting anywhere! The reason you’re not reaching your goals, or experiencing any change, is most likely due to the fact that you are continuing to do things just as you’ve always done them. If we don’t change our thoughts, attitudes, or behaviors and create new patterns, we will never get different results.
We want a healthy, committed, respectful and fulfilling relationship, yet we continue to seek out the same partners, in the same places…
We want a different job, a promotion, a career change…yet we show up (bitter) at the same job day after day…
We want to be healthier, yet we continue to eat the same foods…and continue not going for walks or to the gym (that we have belonged to for six years now!)…
We want to be more connected to our friends, yet we never call them or make plans to see them…
The list could go on and on…
Something has to change to get a different result.
Change something.
Change anything.
If you want to arrive at a different destination, YOU MUST GET OFF THE WORN OUT, WORN DOWN PATH YOU HAVE BEEN GOING DOWN! A new destination will only come from a new path!
If you do that, you will see a change. Promise.