26 Mar Spend Time Dreaming.
“We always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe most strongly, expect on the deepest level and imagine most vividly.” Shakti Gawain She froze when I asked her what she wanted, what she really wanted, in her life. She seemed surprised by the question. Her surprise steadily morphed in to anger, as she sat with this foreign question in unfamiliar territory. She had done everything “right” and had followed a solid “plan” (which impressed everyone that she had ever met!). She was on track to be a very powerful woman, in a high powered career. She was clearly used to “succeeding” and “doing” and “having.” She was NOT as comfortable “being” or “dreaming” or “feeling.” She froze as she realized she didn’t have an answer. The woman who always knows the right/best answer was stumped. She knew a lot about a lot in the world… She just didn’t know much about herself. “What does this mean?” she asked. It will ultimately mean whatever she chooses it to mean. She may do something about this, and seek to find who she is and what she wants to do/be in this world. She may delve in to the deepest parts of herself and figure out how, when and where she is most in alignment. Or, she may turn the page, go back to her whirl of a world, and pretend this never happened. What are YOU here to be? When are YOU most in alignment? You cannot control what she decides to do… only what YOU will do. Wishing you courage, clarity and strength as YOU make your choice. ~