
The Impact of You.

The Impact of You.

“Think you can’t change the world?
Too late, you already have.

It was changed for the better the minute you were born.
There are more people than you can imagine
who will never be the same because they came in contact with you…
if only for a fleeting moment.”

Gail Pursell Elliott

Sometimes, during a group or a training, people express feeling unsure about the degree of impact they are having in the world. They talk about feeling like what they say, or what they do, feels somewhat insignificant in the scheme of things. So many people appear to be seeking some kind of external validation that they are making a difference. They desperately want to make sure that who they are, what they say and what they do, will matter in the life of another.
If you have ever spent time questioning whether or not you are making an impact, or making a difference, take time today to notice how many lives you impact in the course of day.
From strangers in the store or on the train (that you cross paths with for a fleeting moment!),
to the friends and family that you share your life and your love with on a daily basis,
take stock of the many connections that are sometimes missed…
those extraordinary and ordinary moments that make up our days and define our lives.
Never underestimate the significance of who you are…
“Thnk you can’t change the world? Too late, you already have!